What I Learned in a Hut: Notes in the Dark in the Field (doing ethnographic cinematography)
from media and technology to Buddhist texts and are downloadable as Adobe PDF documents:
What I Learned in a Hut: Notes in the Dark in the Field (doing ethnographic cinematography)
Counting on the Odds (confrontation between artists and businessmen at the historic 1979 "Electroworks" exhibition at the George Eastman House)
Self-Portrayal (a romp through the history of visual self-portrayal)
My Summer at Computercamp: Compleat Catalogue De-Raisonne (issues of digital learning)
Heart Sutra (translation of the shortest Prajnaparamita sutra within the Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhist traditions)
Family Reunions: Some Scenes from Memory (observing families at the Holocaust Museum while waiting with our adopted daughter for her first meeting with her birth family)